✹  Wastmache workshop
30th April 2022
Annabel, one of my peers from MA Designer Maker, had participated in SKY art TV Show - ‘The Big Design Challange’ and she won the first prize! I’m really happy for her, at the moment she’s studying in another master’s - Design Product in Royal Collage of Arts, It’s really inspiring to see her exploring her ideas and context further both through the show and through another acedemic practice. 

During this Spring, Annabel conducts making workshop at Mudchute farm, showing us how to make wastemache, a recycle based material from prop design industry. I saw her practice before during our year together but never had a chance to learn how to do it so I’m really intrique to learn.

I really enjoyed the workshop and the farm is lovely, kids running around, peeking in to see what are we up to, some birds singing next door, also the weather is amazing today! This is such a good start for her to explore more, and expand the possibility to recycle material! I’m really keen to see what she up to next! 

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