✹ Third row hand  - a commission for Apricott Homme 
Sculpture , 2020

Third row hand, 2020

 A unique exploration of PLA plastic, in which the artist uses repetitive patterns of plastic filament to create meditative and captivating sculptural vases. Commissioned by Apricott Homme, a lifestyle brand based in Bangkok, these vases take inspiration from the signature product of the brand, the rubber glove crossbody bag. Through the transformation of this ordinary object into a stunning piece of art, Jaajr creates a symbolic representation of joy and abundance. The use of PLA plastic, a material that is not traditionally associated with art or sculpture, adds an intriguing element to the work, and the resulting forms are both beautiful and unexpected.

Material : PLA plastic, plastic beads, paper, acrylic paint, fabric, aluminium wire
A commission for  ⇲Apricott Homme

Stylist : Neptune Mon, Photographer : Pongsak Dangnoy, Assistant photographer : Phuridej Punvibool
