✹ Practice #2
9th November 2020
From the last week practice, one sample of trial is chosen to further develop and expand it to 6 (or more)objects. Here are what I made for this week practice.

This week I’m exploring the possibilities of light on different texture using only 3 material ; gold leves, chorm spray paint and epoxy clay. I make repetitive pattern to increase the surface in which will reflect on light and give more shiny effect. Similar to last week, most of the pieces were gilded by gold leaves some are made using spray paint which give a softer metalic look.

So far, repetitive pattern work well with mirror effect surface. Further sample need to be explored.

Another material I tried this week is Lenticular plastic sheet. I love the illusion effect on their pattern. I want to form them in 3d shape by heating them in the oven and mould them using cake mould. This idea is inspired by Paula Canovas del Vas fashion MA collection which reminds me of the cake mould.
The final result of using this process is not a well success. A plastic sheet is not stretching enough to capture all detail of the mould. And if the temperature is too high - the plastic sheet will melt and all lenticular effect disappears. Another method might be considered - boil? someway that it can be heated without destroying its surface.
