✹ Making with Vittoria
29th March 2022

Today Vittoria came by to make some ceramic work together, she have got some creative blocks and this making session will help her to get to make again. It is beneficial for me as well as I felt so lonely making stuff alone. Having company has lessen my lonliness and axiety when something went wrong. 

Ceramic is such a good way to work with someone, it makes no sound, no toxic, no power tools. Just simply water and cloth and clay. The process of making was also therapeutic, your hands are making while you are having a conversation with your company. I sometime doubt my own design when I make something, and have the urge of destroying it when I nearly finish. Having my friend there to encourage me to keep going is so blessing. 

I made 2 ceramic works, one is a lamp base and the other is a ribbon sculpture. Vittorai made a vase for her flower. We had such a nice chat, nice dinner and a nice making session, I’m really looking forward to make something with her again soon!

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