✹ I win the competition - Fan project result!
22nd March 2021

Today I’ve gotten an exciting news! Finally the Worshipful Company of Fan Makers has annouced the result of the competiton! I am so pleased to be the winner of the competition! This is my first time receiving 1st prize, I am so greateful for all the hard work and my creative energy that I have put in this project. I will  receive cash prize as well as the recidency in West Dean college of Arts and Conservation. I am so honored for this opportunity especially diring this challenging time under lockdown. I think this is a good start for me as a maker in this era, where everything seem so uncertain. Making fans, and working with this project has helped me to go through this period of time much easier. 

I would like to take this opportunity, in here, to thank the company, my professors and my peers that has guilded me and gave me hope during this competition. Again this is my first time wining 1st prize for something, it’s a big step for me. 

For the design, I have came up with a lot of idea after the presentation, simply because the judges were so nice and supportive. I hope I can transform my idea into as many design as possible as it’s getting more fun everytime I think about it :)