✹ Getting back to making
19th June 2021
It’s been awhile since my last new making, Last week I went back to the campus for the first time in month and it was refreshing. Lockdown is eased, students are coming back to the campus, I genuinely went to the campus to absorb the enthusiasm from there. As usual, I went straight to the same old workshop that I’m regular with, Laser cutting, with the same old material that I always work with in the previous term, acrylic sheet. Because of the lockdown, the stress from paper writting and overwhelmed situation of the post lockdown atmosphere, I have no idea what to move toward to, in term of my subject and practical work. So to kick start the idea, I am trying to work in my comfort zone first. 

In my tangible tasks, I’m trying to explore the way of forming 3D form from 2D format as well as the moving join on module that can create new form from one design. This is the attemp to connect the idea of energy transformation with making. Also, shiny material on flat surface can be easier to work with than 3D form, in my opinion. Although, I will work with both in the further practice. 

First of all, with the available material - the glass look acrylic sheet, here the circle shapes are cut with the hole in the middle. One with centered hole, the other is off-centered hole. Creating a pattern of alignment in the most simple way possible. Forming the cylinder form from circle shape stack.

The circle shapes above are cut from these rectangles which are basically placed in different position. When stack the rectangles together, the light refracts to the circle shape in the middle and creates the shades of green on the side of the stack. Initially, I wanted to explore the movement of circle when stacked in order, but the discover of the refraction on the side can be developed into something else.

Another forming method from circle shape, this time an acrylic sheet is cut into different sizes of circles and when stacked in order, it creates this cone-like form. I think it may look more interesting if I insert some beads in between the sheet, that way it can increase volume of the form and can add more colour into the overall design. 

Next thing I’m looking at is to connect the module with moving join, this one I use hinge to connect arch-like shape together. When bended the volume of the form is increased and the form is changing. This may look aimless in the way that ‘What do we do about this next?’ For me it’s something that can interact with the user and it’s the way of playing as well, when change the module/colour/material it can lead to something like toy? or maybe bigger the scale then it can turn into am interactive sculptural art piece?


The next sample that I tried is this iris model that I found from pinterest, by using clear acrylic sheet it gave me the sense of overlapping, the next step that I’d like to develop is to change the design(to make it overlap more) and material to polarization sheet. When rotated, it change the shade of colour like the example here below of the work from Pe Leng, Swiss Artist that use this material in this work.