✹ First time mudlarking
7th May 2022

Mudlarking first time with @missmerrymacmac & @vittoriabenotto by The Thames

Luckily today was warmer than most days of the month, I never did this before but I enjoyed it so much, with millions of things to collect from, I found myself looking for something outstanding than others and ended up collecting these oranges fragments of bricks which potentially are older than WW2, somehow the process of searching for something and nothing was really enjoyable, it’s almost like you know you will find something you like but don’t know exactly what it is

Mackenzie is working on this project which she makes something out of existing stuff, to revive objects that people look over (quote ; make something out of trash) I found this idea so interesting, no matter ordinary anything is, with our creative energy and mind - anything can be interesting and that’s our job as a designer maker

Also mudlarking, I found, is another way to connect myself to London, I have been here for almost 2 years already and felt a bit disconnected from time to time, somehow taking time exploring it like this helped me to see London closer than ever

During the search I imagine myself found a sacred stone that give me anything I want for the rest of my life, if I found it I wouldn’t ask for anything else but a peaceful mind and a peaceful world, that’s my wishes, what’s yours?

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