✹ Fan project - motif and handle developement 
1st February 2021

From the previous blog on wire weaving exercise that allows me to let my mind wander during the making. I had come up with the idea of developing the fan with a new pattern, not only one individual motif as before.

Earlier this week, I had attended the online talk about the geometric pattern, lectured by ⇲Ameet Hindocha - geometric and pattern designer. I found his passion for Islamic art fascinating and inspiring. In the class, he had shown his works in pattern design and origami art which he used pattern paper to fold in origami - combine two things together. It’s really pleasing to see the paper fold and unfold as well as seeing the methods he used in creating the pattern is kind of satisfied to watch. As the line has perfectly dissected each part of the pattern or one dot connect to the others - it gave me a sense of perfection to me.

I later came up with the idea of putting a geometric pattern into my fan - as to combine two elements of visual satisfaction together - reflective surface and geometric pattern. By this it makes me realise why I love the wind spinner from the very first week so much. I get lost into it every time I see its spines. Because it contains many factors of visual satisfaction like reflective appearance, geometric pattern, loop movement and hypnosis behaviour. I just realise it now that these are the main elements that trap me in the gaze every time.

metal wind spinner from the first week

At first, I want to try the Islamic pattern right away on the fan using the same mechanical connection. But it seems to be a little bit too complicated to start with because of the complexity of the pattern. So I start with a more simple pattern like the one below. I love how the pattern is created by the cross of the circle line and it gave some sense of hypnosis pattern also.

Circular Rosette, It is made by rotating circles about a fixed point

The thing with this pattern is the motif can not be overlap in the same manner as the previous prototype. With the same connecting manner it doesn’t give the fan enough flexibility when fan, also the direction of the connecting point is confusing - so I have to come up with the new way to connect the motif with more flexible and simpler way.

trying out the old conneting method as the previous prototype - overlape some part to create ‘the moving fan’

First prototype 

By the principle of ‘having some part of the motif overlap to each other and connect it with a rivet’ I finally found the way to connect it ‘invisibly’ by inserting a small disc behind each connecting point - it gives the fan more flow and held the motif in place perfectly. Though, I don’t like the back of the fan that much as it’s a bit distracting to see something between the connecting point. Maybe I will have to develop the connecting part with more patterning manner - meaning to use the same shape of the pattern to create the perfection out of geometric shape even in the back.

Developed connecting point - insert small disc in the back. Give more flow to the fan

By trying new pattern and new connecting way, I still find the first one is more effective and more charming to see when it fans. I prefer the way it reflects light in a simpler direction. But I would keep the new design developing as it is interesting to see a different pattern on the fan.

Fan testing  (L) old connecting point - stiff, no flexibility. (R) new connecting point - more flow. 

Also this week, I took some time to think about the handle of the fan. Sketching and some mock-up making are done during the week. And I’m excited to see how it will turn out to be. I got some sketches that I like and I will decide the size of them later. Planned material for the panel is metal sheet - Aluminium, silver or platinum with high polished finishing. For the handle, I want to add some colours - pastel or maybe anodized metal. Next step is to research for metal laser cut suppliers, thinking about the size of the overall fan, the thickness and the finishing of the handle, how to make rivet once the fan is assembled. Once again, I’m so excited to see how it will turn out to be.

some new sketch for the handle I have done this week

Moreover, I had come up with some more idea about the material used in this project. The lenticular sheet is an interesting choice as it involves movement in the change of the pattern. I think it’s perfect for my fan which requires the user to ‘play’ with it as to see the light reflect on the material. I briefly research for the supplier who can produce a small amount of lenticular sheet, and then I found that we can make it at home! That’s so exciting - using an inkjet printer and order some lenticular sheet with adhesive and then I can create any pattern out of them myself. It’s something to research more. Yet, it’s promising and I can’t wait to try this material in this project!

This week I'd got so much progress in fan making - as the new presentation date will be the end of this month. Knowing that motivates me to push this project forwards in the right direction. Also The new material, lenticular sheet, will allow me to explore the possibility of shininess differently rather than looking at in through reflective surface. I’m wondering where this project will take me to as it gives me a new aspect in the main project every time I develop the fan.