✹ Fan Project #2
1st December 2020

From previous Fan project update, I am content with the shape, form and movement of the fan already. Yet I would like to explore more if I change the shape of the motif, what it would look like?

I narrowed the circle shape into oval shape like the fan, from this each row of the branch appears to be a different length. The outer circumference of oval shape fan appears to be longer than the circle one, in comparison of the same size. From this, I found, it can be transformed into a necklace. This necklace gives me a sense of my project aim - making something that can be worn as jewellery. But I'm not a big fan of a multi-purpose object ( like some furniture that can transform from bed to table) This piece as well - I think It's interesting to investigate in the relationship between shiny object and human body through 'FAN' but the shape and form of this necklace - I don't like it that much. If I have to focus on making a better shape of necklace - It might lose the aesthetic of fan(?) I feel like it's something you have to choose. But anyway I will investigate on this more this week :)))

If we take a closer look into each row, for the new model when bend it goes off the axis because the edge of each side has a different length so when t bends it leans toward the longer side and appears off-axis movement.

I also try to use the new shape of each bit to create a different pattern. here is circle one ( I have the other one in square) The circle one - when the light goes through it appears the overlap pattern which is interesting, I might further try translucent plastic to play with this effect (?)

Next step I will try different motif in reflective material to see how it looks when reflects light.
