✹ Disco project #3 - pattern
15th  March 2021

After making a mock up for the disco hanging sculpture, the next step is to design the pattern on the reflective surface. My initial idea is diamond pattern which the motif size gradually change from small to big according to the structure part. Firstly, I made a rough mock-up by a card board to see size and overall look I aim for. The achieve the actual pattern digitally. It can out pretty nice.

Then I used mirror card board to represent the pewter sheet that I will later figure out how to make it in this look. For interior structure, spinning part is made by using ball bearing which connect two part together as the sketch below. I had finish some part of the mock up, yet haven’t assemble it yet. I want to figure out first how to make this look happen using pewter sheet. I have never use this material before so I need to explore it first.