✹ Disco project - light testing
28th February 2021

From last week mockup that I have made - the movement of the lamp is nice. Today I tried to install light resources into the mockup. I used recycled cardboard from Amazon parcel wrapping around the frame in order to block the light from inside.

Installing LED light source inside of the lamp 

I ordered LED light from Amazon and some wire connectors to separate the line into multiple parts - for each section of the lamp. So my initial idea is to try if the light can project on the surface of the lamp, if so - it will likely to create the reflection when I change the material into mirror cardboard or high polished finishing metal in the next steps.

 (L) connecting LED light and assembling the parts together  , (R) testing the movement - it gets stiff

The LED systemic soldering is easier than I thought, I took just about half an hour to connect 2 bottom parts with the light source. For the result - I would say it’s not bad but not what I’m going for. The light is trapped inside of the parts and can not project to the surface of the lamp above. Also, the electric wire that connects the light from one part of the lamp to another makes the rotation stiff.

At last, I decided to drop the idea of inserting the light source inside by now. It would be great to make a disco ball that doesn’t require outsource of light, that can act as a disco ball and a chandelier. But as this is my first time designing a product I think I will start with the simpler system first. Not having a light source inside is still fine for this sketch as it still has the movement and reflective surface that can reflect light that project from outside. I would love to develop this sketch further in the future, though this is a good start!

  (L) Further idea - inserting translucent acrylic sheet in between each parts  (R) Donal Judd’s stacks

Maybe in the future, if I want to go for the light source thing - a translucent acrylic sheet to cover the top of the part is a good idea. It reminds me of Donald Judd stack that has repetitive form pile up horizontally with geometric shiny surface finishing.  

 Interior mechanism of slip ring  via www.grandslipring.com

Later on, I have consulted with my tutor, he suggested that I can use a slip ring, the electromechanical connector that allows the transmission of power and electrical signals from a stationary to a rotating structure. A slip ring can be used in any electromechanical system that requires rotation while transmitting power or signals. This is an interesting device that I would like to try one day. I found some model online and it’s not that expensive - maybe I can try it later in my practice?